• 🔭 技术博客 累积 418 篇
  • 📖 读书 264 本,读书笔记 62.1 万
  • {“zhihu_agree”=>”37,634”, “zhihu_like”=>”11,017”, “zhihu_collection”=>”20,814”, “zhihu_follows”=>”1.3 万”, “zhihu_agree_str”=>”38k”, “zhihu_like_str”=>”11k”, “zhihu_collection_str”=>”21k”, “zhihu_follows_str”=>”1.3 万”}

Star History Chart

Project 数量 46 fork Star 13026 Fork 1929 language description
blind_watermark false ☆5605 fork:668 Python Blind&Invisible Watermark ,图片盲水印,提取水印无须原图!
scikit-opt false ☆5173 fork:985 Python Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm,Immune Algorithm, Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm, Differential Evolution and TSP(Traveling salesman)
text_blind_watermark false ☆1343 fork:133 Python 文本盲水印:把信息隐匿到文本中,put invisible blind watermark into a text.
HideInfo false ☆464 fork:45 Python 一些小而美的信息隐藏技术:幻影坦克、藏物于音等
guofei9987.github.io false ☆106 fork:44 JavaScript 个人博客,欢迎fork
pyLSHash false ☆52 fork:5 Python Locality Sensitive Hashing, fuzzy-hash, min-hash, simhash, aHash, pHash, dHash。基于 Hash值的图片相似度、文本相似度
fourier_artist false ☆42 fork:6 Python 用几个圆画任意图(傅里叶变换)
github_star_counter false ☆29 fork:7 Python Count a GitHub user's total stars and forks
vulgar_language_generator false ☆24 fork:4 Python 俗不可耐语言生成器(中文)-俗不可耐的古风诗歌生成器,震惊体生成器
star_counter false ☆21 fork:3 JavaScript Count a GitHub user's stars and forks(在线统计账号star数量)
get_data false ☆19 fork:7 Python 从知乎获取点赞数、收藏数、关注数,并自动推送,每小时运行
pygraphs false ☆17 fork:1 Python A graph database based on Python,一个轻量级图数据库
AHP false ☆13 fork:0 Python 层次分析法
hibird_python false ☆11 fork:0 Python Python调用C的例子(混合编程)
chrplotlib false ☆10 fork:1 Python plot graphs using chars
guofei9987 false ☆10 fork:6 Python
python-maze false ☆9 fork:1 Python Generate a maze using Python
text-blind-watermark false ☆8 fork:0 Rust Text Blind Watermark in Rust
c-algorithm false ☆7 fork:0 C C语言实现动态数组、链表、Hash表、KMP等算法/数据结构
file2tree false ☆7 fork:2 Python file2tree
donate false ☆6 fork:3 CSS 打赏小控件
rs-graphs false ☆6 fork:0 Rust Graph algorithms in Rust。用 Rust 实现的图算法
rust-algo false ☆6 fork:0 Rust Rust 实现链表等数据结构
fuzzy-hash false ☆5 fork:0 C fuzzy hash in python (from ssdeep)
HelloGitHub true ☆5 fork:1 Python :octocat: 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目(5 周年)
plot2svg false ☆5 fork:0 Python A simple plot tool to generate small SVG files
MyKnowledge false ☆4 fork:1 Python 笔记记录,已迁移到 https://github.com/guofei9987/guofei9987.github.io
rs_lib false ☆4 fork:0 Rust Rust调用C的例子(混合编程)
pictures_for_blog false ☆2 fork:2 JavaScript Pictures in my blog
plans false ☆2 fork:1 Python 已废弃
pybert false ☆2 fork:0 Python 一行代码实现bert,中文文本分类。基于 torch
python-small-examples true ☆2 fork:2 告别枯燥,致力于打造 Python 实用小例子,更多Python良心教程见 Python中文网 http://www.zglg.work
audiowmark true ☆1 fork:0 Audio Watermarking
CrypTool false ☆1 fork:0 Python 密码学相关算法
Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap true ☆1 fork:0 Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
face_recognition true ☆1 fork:0 The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
logging4 false ☆1 fork:0 Python a tiny logging tool
slides false ☆1 fork:0 JavaScript
tmp false ☆1 fork:0 Python 测试
blind_watermark_rs false ☆0 fork:0 blind_watermark in rust
faceswap true ☆0 fork:0 Python Deepfakes Software For All
leetcode_python false ☆0 fork:0 Python Leetcode Python
nlp false ☆0 fork:0 nlp相关资料汇总
python_with_rust false ☆0 fork:0 Rust Python 调用 Rust 项目
spank false ☆0 fork:0 Python
StatisticsBlog false ☆0 fork:1 HTML StatisticsBlog,see https://www.guofei.site

网站 api:

  • https://www.guofei.site/pages/achievement.json
  • https://www.guofei.site/pages/book_list.json
  • https://www.guofei.site/pages/cnt_github_repo.json